because life's easier with support

Groups & Events

Groups are limited to 15 attendees to ensure the best experience and outcomes for everyone. They are held virtually, on Zoom. Register early to reserve your seat. Cost is $30 per group.

Invisible Women's Group

Meet with other women to discuss identity, voice, purpose, relationships, career, and body image. | Saturdays from 9:00 am - 10:00 am MST | See scheduled topics below for more details.

This is a 1 part exploration, 1 part learning, 1 part journaling and goal setting, 1 part GPT-ing, and lots of parts fun and support with a little sass. Come prepared to work. The hour will be over before you're ready to leave.

IDENTITY: Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 9:00 am MST
reclaiming your identity

This week, come prepared to discuss the aspects of your identity you’ve lost (or always wanted but never had) and why you would like to reclaim them. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to identify the identity you want to reclaim.


rediscovering your voice

This week, come prepared to talk about your voice and what it means to have something to say. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to strengthen your voice and make yourself heard.


Discovering your purpose

This week, we’re out to discover our sense of purpose and what it means to use it as a guiding light. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to live a purposeful life.


Showing up for yourself

This week, we’re getting messy with emotions and talking about showing up for ourselves in our relationships and why that skill is so vital. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to show up for yourself.


Standing out a work

This week, we’re talking about standing out at work and how you can leverage mindfulness to do what few others will do. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to make you stand out at work.


Quieting the Body image noise

Anyone who says body image issues are for the young are lying. This week, we’re talking about those obnoxious voices in our heads that criticize our bodies and why we don’t have to listen to them. Bring a journal to take notes because you’ll leave with tips, tricks, and steps to take to quiet the noise.


Cultural Stories Workshop

Meet with other women to discuss the way cultural stories have shaped our view of ourselves as women. | 4th Saturday of the month from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm MST | See scheduled topics below for more details. .

We are currently exploring fairy tales and the way they shaped our worldview as women from the time we were children. Join us in a process of discovery and start reclaiming the story of who you are—and who you are becoming.

There's homework for this workshop. Watch your emails for class readings and assignments. (Or don't and come enjoy thought-provoking conversation.)

PASSIVITY AS A VIRTUE: Saturday, March 29, 2025 @ 11:00 am MST

Have you ever wondered what mother in her right mind would send a young girl into a dangerous situation where she was likely to be hurt? And not just send her daughter into the situation, but to mark her as prey and send her off with a half-assed caution to be careful?

I do, 

This month we’re talking about the fact that Red’s mother probably did what she was raised to do and why Red will likely do the same thing to her daughter. 

FAIRY TALE: Little Red Riding Hood

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Why am I competing with my daughter at all?

This month, we’re visiting Snow White’s Evil Stepmother and challenging two core  assumptions: 1) The need to be the “fairest” (or thinnest, sexiest, curviest) of them all  2) The need to validate the acceptability of older men preying on younger women. (Looking at you, DiCaprio!)

FAIRY TALE: Snow White

part of your world

Not gonna lie. Ariel was my hero growing up. And I loved to hate on Ursula because she was mean and evil. She was certainly ruthless, but what if there is more to that story?

This month, we’re going Under the Sea to discuss the ways ambitious women have been cast as bitches for daring to try to overstep their allotted boundaries.

FAIRY TALE: The Little Mermaid


“Sometimes you just need to spend time with people who understand your world and the role you play in it.”

Ready to Silence


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